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School Supplies

Education is a fundamental right for every child, yet, there are several factors, among them are poverty and violence, limiting millions of children and young people in continents and regions around the world from getting an education.


With a focus on free Primary and Early Childhood Education, The GHTO Education Program is holistic. We believe that quality learning for developing indigent children requires adequate learning tools, safe and friendly environment, qualified and motivated teachers, and much more.

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Our Health and Nutrition program improves the quality of life and health outcomes for children and their families living in poverty. We believe that every child should have access to basic healthcare, and that every community should have the tools it needs for its children to thrive.


Some of our Education Program include; The GHTO Primary Schools Sponsorship, Back to School Campaign, and the Girl Child Education.

The GHTO Primary Schools Sponsorship

The GHTO Primary Schools Sponsorship is a direct platform that offers tuition fee for early childhood education as well as uninterrupted access to 6-year formal primary education for indigent children irrespective of gender, race, religion, and ethnicity.

To complement the free tuition and provision of educational tools in our charity organisation, children also receive free daily school meals.

Back To School Campaign

This program supports under priviledged children who have been forced to drop out of school, to get “Back to School” within their communities, providing them with free scholastic materials and payment of tuition fees in some instances. In addition, GHTO carries out school development projects such as Sensibilization initiatives in underserved communities to improve children learning outcomes.

Get to Know Us

The disparity in access to education for boys and girls is wide. Education, is the process of providing information to an inexperienced person to help him/her develop physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, spiritually, politically, economically among others. We are committed to providing the necessary support for every Girl child to access quality education. Through the Education program, it ensures equal access, attendance, and the school completion rate.

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